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Livestock Tag Order Form

Exhibitors must order Harris County Fair tags for Steers, Swine, Lambs and Goats that are NOT validated through the Harris County extension office for State Tags for State Fair or Majors. The tags will be available at "TAG-IN" which will be at Validation on July 12th or Jumpstart Jackpot July 25-27 th. You will need a tag for each animal that may be shown at Harris County Fair that is NOT already validated for State Fair or Majors thru the Harris County Ag Extension office. Family Tags are allowed (family tags are registered in the last name of siblings and the animal can be shown by one of the siblings). There is a place on the order form to add additional exhibitor names for siblings using the family tag.
HEIFERS for Harris County Fair and Rodeo will not need to be validated for 2025.

IMPORTANT!!! PLEASE NOTE the following:
1. Tags are only to validate the animal for show and is NOT the entry fee to enter the show. You must also pay an entry fee and entry form. Entry deadline is September 20th.
2. If you do not receive an email confirmation immediately, we did not receive the order!! If you did not get a confirmation email showing what you ordered, check your junk email box then contact us immediately or retry. The most common issue is NOT selecting the Qty of tags before submitting or CAPTCHA.
3. Payment is immediately expected when completing this form via credit card (American Express is not accepted). If you do not automatically navigate to a Cart to check out something is not working correctly.
4. Please read the Livestock Rules on the County Fair/Livestock website page for 3 new Requirements about Validation!
1. Exhibitor must bring a signed Validation Form by Ag Teacher or Extension Agent.
2. Bring 4x6 photo meeting the stated requirements in the rules, and
3. Must attend HCF validation regardless of State Validated or not.

Tags are $15 each until June 1st at 11:55 pm.
Late Tag orders - Tags are $30 each until July 1st 11:55pm.


Please select Tag order quantities BEFORE hitting the Submit button.



On-Time Tag Orders (until June 1st 11:55 pm) After deadline there is no ability to select tags.
(For Steers, Sheep, Goats, Swine)
Steer Tag
Swine Tag
Lamb Tag
Goat Tag

LATE ORDERS $30 ea (available 6/2 at 12:05 am - 7/1 at 11:55 pm)
After deadline there is no ability to select tags
Steer Tag - LATE TAG
Swine Tag - LATE TAG
Lamb Tag - LATE TAG
Goat Tag - LATE TAG

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