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Scholarships will be presented to our exhibitors who are graduating and planning to attend university, college, or trade school. Amount of scholarships granted will be based on Harris County Fair and Rodeo results. Applications for the scholarships will consist of the following: Application form (with essay), resume, referral letter (if finalist), and a finalist interview with the scholarship selection committee. Successful recipients will be recognized by late-May.


Agvocate/Model Exhibitor is meant to recognize a youth who has dedicated their time to support the Agriculture industry through livestock exhibition. The recipient must demonstrate personal growth learned through livestock and has come full circle and demonstrates giving back to the livestock industry by helping others follow in their footsteps.


Rise Up is meant to recognize a youth who has demonstrated a pattern of doing what is right for others or the community. The recipient must demonstrate personal growth and change and willing to help others do what is right for themselves or the community.


True Grit recognizes a youth who has an amazing work ethic and is driven to be a hard worker. The recipient shows determination to provide value to themselves or their family through hard work. The recipient is not necessarily the scholar student but still manages to perform well despite the time allocated to working.


Eligibility Requirements:
  • Applicant must be a FFA or 4-H member and an exhibitor of the Harris County Fair and Rodeo for the last two years (except 2022 Seniors)
  • Applicant must be a graduating Senior in Harris County High School.
  • Applicant must be prepared to interview in front of selected outside representatives on a date to be announced.
  • Applicant must complete an application on Harris County Fair and Rodeo Website by posted deadline.
  • A letter of recommendation from applicant's high school facility or from a community leader and be submitted to the Scholarship Chairman prior to the date of the interview (if selected for interview). Letter must be sent from the Referrals email address.
  • Applicant can apply for 2 of the 3 scholarships.
Recipients obligations that must be followed or scholarship will be at risk for being annulled are:
  • Must submit a copy of college/trade school registration to Scholariship Chairman.
  • Must use full scholarship within three semesters (Fall, Spring, Fall) immediately following graduation
  • Must submit a copy of first semester grades and second semester schedule (proof of enrollement) to Scholarship Chairman to receive the second half of the scholarship.
  • Must maintain at least a 2.75 GPS or better at the college or institution enrolled and the course load must be a minimum of 10 hours each semester. Summer school courses taken after high school will be counted in computing the GPA.
  • All scholarship funds will be paid direct to the applicant's school.
  • Make sure that the applicant's school ID has been given to the scholarship chairman when the required paperwork to release the funds.

If the recipient can not meet these requirements the scholarship will be held for three semesters until the requirements can be fulfilled. If the scholarship is annulled, the funds will be allocated back into the scholarship fund for the next year.

2024-25 Scholarship Deadline 4/30/25 at 11:55 pm

When the scholarship application period is OPEN, the application submittal form will automatically appear below and disappear after the deadline. No late submissions are accepted. If applications are emailed due to an IT or internet issue, they must be emailed before the deadline. The Deadline for 2025 is April 30, 2025 at 11:55pm.

The deadline is visible on the submittal form until the deadline passed and the form until it automatically closed.

2024-25 HCFAR Scholarship Application PDF

Scholarship Submittal Form (Due 4/30/25 @ 11:55 pm

Scholarship Application Submittal Form

Please fill out the below information and upload the following 2 documents:
1. Completed Scholarship Application PDF
2. Resume (as described in the scholarship application)
After you submit this form, you should receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive a confirmation email, your application was not received.

Deadline for 2025 is 4/30/25 at 11:55pm. If you have any issues, you must email us before the deadline, or it is considered missing the deadline.


Scholarship Application PDF completed (Max file size 5MB, save file with name in title)

RESUME (PDF file) (Max file size 5MB, save file with name in title)
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